
Welcome to This website is for everyone to learn about photography as a beginner. You will learn everything from how my journey started with photography in 1991 on the About page and all the cameras I have owned and used. You can see all the equipment I use now on the Equipment page. I have tutorials about Aperture, Focusing and Camera Settings. Learning photography as a hobby is necessary to help you understand how to use a DLSR camera. DLSR is not like using a mobile phone or a point-and-shoot camera. You must learn how to use all the Camera Settings and how to use the lens that is attached to the camera the correct way or you will end up with poor-quality photographs. The two photographs below are my recent photographs and were taken in May 2023. I got the shots the way I wanted. The car came into view just as I took the photograph on the right. It is still a good sharp photograph and my camera did not focus on the car. The photograph on the left almost gives a 3D illusion effect like some of the flowers are coming out of the screen. That’s because how my Canon EF70-200 MM lens focused on the closest flowers and buried everything else creating the illusion.

This website will have photographs from when I was on Holiday or visited another area. Some are also taken in my local area of Newcastle Under Lyme. It’s not always easy to be in the right place at the right time. Those of you who have pets will know what it’s like to try to take photographs of cats. I have a cat named Daisy and have had other cats. They will either sit watching you or be doing something else. You think to yourself it is the right moment then you grab your camera a point it at the cat and what happens? They decide to move just as you press the button. The two photographs below show what can happen they either turn their heads around or start walking towards you like the one on the right causing the cat to go out of focus.

The website also has an online shop where you can purchase any of my photographs for just £2.00. They will be downloaded in a Zip folder and all you have to do is extract the image. You can then use the photographs as you want on your social media or website.  content and features so always come back and have a look because you never know what might have changed. If you enjoy reading the content on this website then you might also like to have a look at my other websites with information about my Gaming hobby and website hobby. There is plenty to read on those websites so head over to to find out more and learn more about computers by heading over to What is a computer or What is the World Wide Web and any of the other tutorial pages. You might want to learn about websites by heading over to my to find out more and learn more about websites by heading over to WordPress Setup or what is HTML and any of the other tutorial pages. This website is always being updated with new content and features so always come back and have a look because you never know what might have changed.

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